For decades hunting was used in the rich culture of the Native Namibian people to sustain the livelihood of its inhabitants. Folk tales describe the San men leaving the women and children behind at the break of dawn to search for an opportunity to provide them with valuable meat through their skilled marksmanship, an amazing gift to be able to change rocks, branches, roots and natural derived poison into arrows, bows and spears. The livelihood of their families depended on them and hunting was a task of significant importance. In our modern society of today hunting is not the primary source of food, neither does our livelihood solely depend on it. Convenience shops and online markets has replaced this age old tradition and with it the history and importance of the culture as well. Hunting today has a new face to the world that does not understand it's worth or its origin but to the few people that have visited Africa, that have been on a hunting trip and knows what hunting is about, it is a whole different picture…..

Totally different than the controversial opinion of hunting: Conservational hunting in fact conserves the natural wildlife of Namibia and the game population has increased since it has first been introduced. The largest population of game in Namibia is found on the commercial farmers lands where they can roam freely underneath or over the stock proof fences. Game herds naturally selects the strongest, most prolific male for the herd and the older, males are pushed out of the herd. During a conservational hunt these older animals are selected and the income and the meat of these animals goes to the farmer who in return conserves his wildlife and understand the importance of the ecosystem.

Hunting has evolved over decades from a source of protein for the endemic inhabitants of Namibia to the conservation of the game populations and the thriving of their numbers through informed management.

The A Team

“If this is your first or last African safari we will make sure that you experience the unique Namibian culture, cuisine and charm”

Africa Awaits Hunting Safaris is a family-owned business that was established in 2011 by the Pretorius family. Our team of experienced, first class hunting guides, staff and personnel comes a long way with the company and much of our success and happy clients are due to their hard work and never ending effort. The professionals that conduct the hunts are specially selected for their ethical nature and commitment to professionalism. With our hand selected chefs and locally produced ingredients we make sure that you have an authentic Namibian cuisine experience. Our luxurious and spacious rooms provide the ideal comfort for individuals and families while well equipped hunting vehicles is used to conduct hunts.